Cast & Crew Blog

Sustainability Trends in the Film Industry

Written by Cast&Crew | Aug 14, 2024 4:00:00 PM

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In recent years, sustainability in film has become a significant focus as the entertainment industry recognizes the environmental impact of production. The push for green filmmaking is gaining momentum, reflecting a broader societal shift towards eco-friendly production practices. The future of sustainable filmmaking practices can already be seen in how the industry is embracing innovative solutions to reduce its carbon footprint. From harnessing renewable energy sources to utilizing sustainable materials on set, many trends and investments are driving the movement towards a greener, more environmentally responsible entertainment landscape.  

What are the latest sustainability trends in the entertainment industry? 

The entertainment industry is increasingly embracing sustainability trends to mitigate its substantial environmental impact, including an increase in initiatives, research, and publicity aimed at promoting eco-friendly production practices. For example, the Producers Guild of America's Clean Energy program encourages the use of clean energy in film and television production. Additionally, dedicated sustainability organizations are emerging, focusing on promoting sustainable practices and raising public awareness. The emphasis on clean energy and other meaningful initiatives seen in Austria’s unique "green bonus" suggest a path forward for sustainable tax incentives. These trends highlight a significant shift towards environmental responsibility within the industry. The California Film Commission recognizes the importance of this evolution and provides both the Green Resource Guide and Green Production Guide to help productions minimize their environmental impact. 

How are movies and TV shows implementing green production practices on set? 

A wave of eco-friendly practices is taking hold on film and television sets as the entertainment industry embraces sustainability. Organizations like the Environmental Media Association's Green Seal program champion innovative techniques to minimize environmental impacts. A key focus is on energy efficiency, with the Producers Guild of America's Clean Energy program promoting the shift towards renewable power sources and clean energy solutions for film and television production. Water conservation measures and sustainable sourcing practices for production materials, wardrobe, and catering are helping lower the industry's footprint. By conscientiously managing material use, embracing smart energy strategies, and mindfully sourcing from responsible suppliers, productions are cultivating greener, more environmentally conscious sets. 

How are major studios reducing their environmental impact? 

Major studios are implementing multi-pronged strategies to minimize their environmental footprints. A significant focus is on energy use, with initiatives like the Producers Guild of America's Clean Energy program promoting the adoption of renewable energy sources in production. Transportation emissions are targeted through remote collaboration tools and electric vehicle fleets for moving crews and equipment. Carbon offsetting programs that fund environmental projects have emerged to neutralize unavoidable emissions. Perhaps most transformative is the emphasis on sustainable sourcing and procurement, with best practices like establishing sustainability criteria for vendors and closed-loop systems to reuse and recycle materials across productions. From promoting clean energy use to overhauling supply chains, major production companies are utilizing comprehensive approaches to curb their environmental impact industry-wide. 

Example of a production implementing green practices: Abigail (2024) 

Abigail, a horror film shot over 57 days in Dublin, Ireland, incorporated several green techniques throughout its production. Supported by Screen Ireland, the film leveraged local sustainability resources. Key strategies included a no-idling policy, reducing plastic water bottles, partnering with Circular Costume Ireland to rent costumes instead of buying new ones, and donating over 350 excess costumes. Additionally, all on-site generators used HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) or renewable diesel. Filming in just four key locations further reduced transportation emissions. Read the full case study from the Green Production Guide here. 

Why should the entertainment industry prioritize environmental sustainability education? 

The entertainment industry should prioritize environmental sustainability education for several vital reasons. The Producers Guild of America emphasizes the importance of clean energy adoption, indicating a broader push towards environmental responsibility. Comprehensive industry resources, such as the Environmental Media Association's Green Seal program, provide best practices and frameworks for eco-friendly protocols. By championing sustainability education, the industry can foster greater awareness, implement robust, sustainable production methods, and meet evolving audience and stakeholder expectations for environmental responsibility. With valuable resources and influential voices pushing this agenda, sustainability education, particularly around clean energy use, emerges as a crucial priority for the entertainment sector's long-term viability. 

For a focused look at the latest eco-friendly developments in independent production, check out Media Services' Sustainability Trends in Independent Filmmaking blog, which provides expert guidance to independent filmmakers and creators seeking to up-level their projects.