March 11, 2020
Any Workers’ Compensation (WC) claim presenting with COVID-19 will be evaluated on a claim-by-claim basis, and we expect that generally, if the source of the virus is able to be tracked back to a work-related exposure, then the claim will be accepted as WC. Otherwise, it will be seen as an ordinary condition of life due to community spread and would not be covered under WC.
In order to be considered a work-related exposure, the employee would have to have been exposed to the virus in the course and scope of employment such that the medical provider can determine where and when the employee was exposed to the virus, and that the exposure happened during work.
For example: If Employee 1 returns from a cruise where they contracted COVID-19 and they then expose Employee 2 to the virus, Employee 2 was exposed in the course and scope of employment, and his or her medical provider would likely be able to track the illness back to exposure at work. Employee 1 was exposed outside of work, and his or her illness would not be considered work-related or workers’ compensation (unless the cruise was work-related).
If your production has overseas travel planned, please contact to ensure travel to that country is included in our workers’ compensation coverage.
Travel to countries designated as “Level – 4 Do Not Travel” by the US State Department on their website will not be approved.
Workers’ Compensation claims should continue to be reported to our Workers’ Compensation team at or through our encrypted Stars Intake app (click here for instructions).
Cast & Crew has issued a statement about our business continuity preparedness with regard to the current COVID-19 situation, which you can review here.
We are here to help, so please reach out to our Workers’ Compensation team at with any questions.
Thank you,
The Cast & Crew Risk Management Team